Regulation of freedom of expression and information on the Internet and social networks

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Hilda Nucci


Our fundamental rights are at risk, as long as there is no international legislation that provides guidelines for conduct in the exercise of freedom of expression and information regarding the use of these new technologies, especially when we share information online or use social networks, whenever that cyberspace is recognized as a jurisdiction different from the state ones, with its own rules and mechanisms for dispute resolution. Currently, there are some advances in this matter at an international level, although companies such as Google, Twitter or Facebook act with excessive discretion in the face of a legislative vacuum. Even so, the trend is in favor of a regulation of freedoms and rights in the digital field, however, the problem is that the information contained on the Internet and social networks mainly faces the great challenge of globalization and in turn, the circumstance that there is no regulatory framework at the regional or national level that guarantees the freedoms and rights involved in the use of these platforms.

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How to Cite
Nucci, H. (2024). Regulation of freedom of expression and information on the Internet and social networks. Cuestiones Constitucionales Revista Mexicana De Derecho Constitucional, 25(51), e19255.


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