Human Rights Education and Training Programs in Mexico: A Cross-Case Analysis of Practitioners’ Professional Knowledge and Practices

Gabriela Martínez Sainz

In Mexico, human rights education and training programs are becoming one of the most recurrent outcomes in official settlements related to institutional violations and abuses of human rights. Despite their predominant role in addressing human rights violations, there is little systematic information on how these programs are conducted in practice. To fill the gap, this article presents a cross-case analysis of three qualitative studies that explore practitioners’ professional knowledge and practices in implementing human rights education programs in Mexico. Each individual case examines some of the challenges practitioners face in the implementation of these programs, the institutional influence on their work, and the role of their own experiences in human rights practices.

human rights practice, human rights education, military training, practitioner’s knowledge, training practices


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How to Cite
Martínez Sainz, G. (2018). Human Rights Education and Training Programs in Mexico: A Cross-Case Analysis of Practitioners’ Professional Knowledge and Practices. Mexican Law Review, 11(1).


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