Executory Contracts in Mexican Insolvency Law

Luis Manuel C. Méjan

The Mexican Law Review published an article by Dr. Susana Dávalos entitled “The Rejection of Executory Contracts”1 that addresses the comparison of three legal systems in Spain, Germany and the United States of America when dealing with contracts pending execution when a debtor is declared insolvent. From the analysis of these three systems, the author concludes, for the reasons given therein, that the Spanish regime is the most adequate to reach the objectives pursued by insolvency procedures. Motivated by the reading of this interesting work, the objective of this comment is to show how the regime Mexican legislation has adopted to deal with this issue.

Executory Contracts, Insolvency, Mexico


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How to Cite
C. Méjan, L. M. (2018). Executory Contracts in Mexican Insolvency Law. Mexican Law Review, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.22201/iij.24485306e.2018.1.12516


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