Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: Assessing the Implementation of Mexico's Freedom of Information Act

Zachary Bookman
Juan-Pablo Guerrero Amparán

The Mexican political and administrative system is usually known for the acceptance of model legislation and the creation of advance institutions. Even though, dominated by economic and burocratic interests, along with short-term political agendas, such system has resulted less effective to apply those rules and consolidate its institutions. This article shows that the latter is true in regards to the Federal Transparency Law and the IFAI: Designed in an innovative way, in few years went from being the major contribution of political exchange for democracy, to institutions of diminishing relevance and legitimacy.

Transparencia, IFAI, democracia, burocracia, legitimidad


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How to Cite
Bookman, Z., & Guerrero Amparán, J.-P. (2009). Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: Assessing the Implementation of Mexico’s Freedom of Information Act. Mexican Law Review, 1(2).


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