Promoting Human Rights as an International Policy for World Peace

Jorge E. Sánchez-Cordero Grossmann

This essay intends to address the importance of promoting human rights for keeping world peace. In doing so, it emphasizes the relation between peace and law, describing the contribution of the international human rights movement to the solution of international conflicts shaped by the main world views such as: Realism, Liberalism, and the Clash of Civilizations. By comparing these forms of international and world order, the essay analyzes whether the promotion of human rights is compatible with the idea of world order as an international community of independent states or if it is based on the assumption of a world government. The paper proposes a revaluation not only of the legal and institutional mechanisms that prevent violence and protect human rights, but also questions if the philosophical foundations of the international system correspond to the current human condition.

International law, human rights, international conflict solution, peace and law, international human rights law


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How to Cite
Sánchez-Cordero Grossmann, J. E. (2009). Promoting Human Rights as an International Policy for World Peace. Mexican Law Review, 1(2).


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