The Right to Vote of Prisoners in Mexico


Ever since the promulgation of the Constitution in 1917, the right to vote in Mexico has been understood legally as a privilege for certain citizens, instead of a fundamental right granted to every Mexican national who is at least 18 years old. This situation contravenes the provisions of several international human rights conventions that the country has ratified, to which no reserve in that sense has been submitted. In particular, Mexico is flagrantly violating the electoral rights of persons in prison —convicts—, while failing to comply with its international obligations. A few suggestions are considered within this article, which aims at pointing out ways to improve the situation, as well as some possibilities to legally challenge the provisions which establish the prohibition to vote.

Democracy, disenfranchisement, human rights, suffrage


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How to Cite
Cantú Rivera, H. F. (2012). The Right to Vote of Prisoners in Mexico. Mexican Law Review, 4(2).


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