Institutional Changes in the Public Prosecutor's Office: The Cases of Mexico, Chile and Brazil


Given the critical role played by the Public Prosecutor’s Office in the criminal justice system, the reform of its powers and underlying framework is fundamental in enhancing the rule of law and democracy. This paper analyses two important aspects of reforms introduced in Brazil, Chile and Mexico that affect the way in which the Public Prosecutor’s Office (the “PPO”) performs its daily duties: 1) criminal procedure; and 2) institutional location. This paper takes a comparative approach to evaluate efforts carried out by politicians to modify key aspects of the criminal justice system, as well as overcome key challenges. Emphasis is placed on recently enacted changes to the Constitution, organic laws, criminal codes and criminal procedures.

Judicial System Reform, Public Prosecutor, Institutional Framework, Criminal Procedure, Political Autonomy, Rule of Law, Democracy


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How to Cite
Aguiar Aguilar, A. A. (2012). Institutional Changes in the Public Prosecutor’s Office: The Cases of Mexico, Chile and Brazil. Mexican Law Review, 4(2).


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