Natural Persons, Juridical Persons and Legal Personhood


The study of commercial law can be divided into four basic categories: (a) individuals (natural persons); (b) objects of commerce; (c) legal instruments and (d) administrative and legal procedures. Business relations between individuals and business entities requires significant legal documentation, including atypical or nonstandard business contracts. A central feature of all business transactions is the “legal entity”, used by organizations worldwide to conduct business. In order for many businesses to carry out routine activities, they must have many of the same legal rights and responsibilities as natural persons. In a word, these entities require “legal personhood”. Which leads us to the question of Legitimation. The most widely used legal instruments are nonstandardized business contracts. In essense, this is the delineation of contracting parties as entities with well-defined rights and obligations. This authority depends, in turn, on the legitimacy of the “personhood” of the contracting parties, which is often a point of dispute in business relations. Regardless of whether one accepts the use of terms “legal entity” and “legal personhood”, they often give rise to immeasurable and diverse conflicts domestically, regional and at global level. This had led to efforts to improve the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce and improve legal models that provide guidance to diverse nations. We have reviewed the works of different authors concluding.

Commercial, person, legal entity, personhood, legitimation, business contracts


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How to Cite
Quintana Adriano, E. A. (2015). Natural Persons, Juridical Persons and Legal Personhood. Mexican Law Review, 8(1).


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