Journal History

The journal was created in 2004 under the guidance and vision of Dean Diego Valadés as a way for the professors at the Institute to share their research with English-speaking scholars and practitioners around the globe. For four productive years, MLR was highly successful in furthering a lively dialogue between the professors at the Institute and the international legal community.

We now inaugurate three innovations. First, instead of publishing translations of articles and book chapters which were originally published in Spanish, the journal will now only consider unpublished manuscripts originally written in English that are designed to be accessible to readers who have little or no knowledge of Spanish or of Mexico. We are making this change because literal translations are often awkward to read, and because articles written for a local audience may assume background information that is unfamiliar to an international audience.

Second, submissions will now be received from any author independently of their institutional or geographical location and must now pass through a double-blind peer-review process. This will guarantee the academic quality of the work published in the Mexican Law Review and transform the journal into a diverse forum for the debate, research, and analysis of Mexican, North American, Latin American, and comparative law. The journal will also continue to be a platform for scholars based in Mexico to share their research in all fields with the global scholarly community. MLR is edited by professors and is therefore a closer cousin to peer-reviewed social science journals than to typical student-run law journals.

Third, MLR will now publish a print version in addition to the internet based version of the journal. We recognize that there has been a global shift from paper to electronic means of communication. But we believe a paper version will facilitate the journal's circulation within the international scholarly community.

We hope that our readers enjoy exploring the articles of the new series of MLR and strongly encourage scholars and practitioners to submit their articles for consideration in future issues.

Hecho en México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), todos los derechos reservados 2021.
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