The Security Council and the Illegal Transfer of Small Arms and Light Weapons to Non-State Actors


Small arms and light weapons continue to wreak havoc at an international level, both in areas of conflict and in those at peace. In order to combat this phenomenon, several lines of action need to be explored in the context of multilateral diplomacy. One possible solution lies in arms embargoes sponsored by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), the main topic of this article. The author addresses several issues in relation to the scope and objectives of existing regional instruments as well as the Arms Trade Treaty, which could enter into force but —unlike UNSC arms embargoes— would bind only ratifying countries.

Illicit arms trade, disarmament, United Nations Security Council, sanctions, organized crime


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How to Cite
Bastien Olvera, G. M. (2014). The Security Council and the Illegal Transfer of Small Arms and Light Weapons to Non-State Actors. Mexican Law Review, 6(2).


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