Effective law enforcement and human security in Mexico

Felipe Carlos Betancourt Higareda
Jorge Olvera García
Hiram Raúl Piña Libien
Alejandra Flores Martínez

Mexico is experiencing a level of violence and crime that threatens human rights and prevents the attainment of human security and human development. Effective law enforcement should not only be approached as a worthy ideal, or something only desirable or convenient, but as a human right, since it is focused on achieving the greatest protection of the most fundamental rights of the people: life, freedom, integrity, property, among others. This article develops this argument by examining legal doctrines on the subject and proposes the centrality of effective law enforcement to strengthen not only the rule of law, but individual security as well as other types of security. It thus highlights the importance of a better state handling of law enforcement in order to achieve peace, order, and prosperity in Mexico. Finally, this article also provides a description of the various means of challenge and appeal which are available in Mexico by which the human right to effective law enforcement may be obtained in order to achieve a minimum threshold of public security that could effectively guarantee human security and freedom.



Mexico, rule of law, human rights, human security, effective law enforcement


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How to Cite
Betancourt Higareda, F. C., Olvera García, J., Piña Libien, H. R., & Flores Martínez, A. . (2024). Effective law enforcement and human security in Mexico. Mexican Law Review, 17(1), 73–109. https://doi.org/10.22201/iij.24485306e.2024.1.19188


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