The Development of the Media and the Public sphere in Mexico


This article reviews the development of the Mexican media, both broadcast and print, through an analysis of their current legal framework, culture, ownership structure and common practices. It is based on archival research, interviews and a review of the available literature. Its analytical framework is based on concepts of the theory of deliberative democracy developed by contemporary philosophers such as Jürgen Habermas, James Bohman, Jane Mansbridge and Joshua Cohen. Within this framework, it argues that the major obstacles to democracy in Mexico, which include social and economic inequalities, patronage and a weak rule of law, also constitute obstacles to the deliberative development of the Mexican media.

Mexican media, deliberative democracy, public sphere, democracy in Mexico


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How to Cite
Betancourt Higareda, F. C. (2013). The Development of the Media and the Public sphere in Mexico. Mexican Law Review, 5(2).


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